Easy Greek
Easy Greek is a project to help you learn Greek in an authentic and fun way. We interview people in the streets of Athens but also love trying out different kinds of creative formats for our weekly videos. Eclectic is a Greek word, after all! Our first three episodes were shot by a completely different team before Dimitris took over Easy Greek in May 2018.
Street Interviews
Our regular episodes help you learn Greek as it is spoken in everyday life. All of our videos are subtitled in Greek and English.
Super Easy Greek
We also produce videos for beginners that cover simpler vocabulary and are easier to understand.
Easy Greek Podcasts
We offer two weekly podcasts: One for beginners and one for advanced learners. Listen to the most recent episodes here and follow for free in your favorite podcast app. Easy Greek members get access to interactive transcripts and live vocabulary, so you can learn while you listen.
Become a member.
We also have a Patreon page! By becoming our member (from only €4 / month) you immediately gain access to transcripts for all our episodes and exercise sheets. We have higher tiers, too: you can also get the MP3s and MP4s of our episodes to download and keep, slow reading recordings of our transcripts, flashcard sets with fun exercises and more goodies! We also love surprises and extras, so you also get loads of that, too.
Most of all, by opting to get the full Easy Greek experience you can make the most of the content we produce by practicing with the real language as it’s spoken and written using different tools. You can also be in direct communication with us, asking us any question you might have, and join a fantastic community of other passionate learners and lovers of Greece and Greek culture.

Born in Athens from a Greek mother and an Australian father, Dimitris has a thing for languages, cultural exchange and creative teaching methods. Years ago, before even smartphones existed, he studied culture & media. He feels proud and grateful Easy Greek enabled him to bring all of his passions and interests under a single roof while also working in his field. He loves animals, history, games, unsolved & unsolvable mysteries, and tasting sour things.
Marilena’s relationship with Easy Greek began on an April evening when Dimitris talked to her about Easy Languages and told her that he wanted to join the community. Since then, it has become their creative child, with episodes from travels, cooking recipes, quarantine episodes and of course street interviews. She has nothing but love for Easy Greek and gratitude for the Easy Languages team who gave them the opportunity!