Easy Dutch

Easy Dutch is an online language learning project which gives Dutch learners the opportunity to be exposed to the language through authentic everyday life conversations, and to read and understand the language with the help of bilingual subtitles in Dutch and English. In our videos, our teams go through the streets of the Netherlands to ask people about all kinds of topics. Our videos are published every Thursday at 7:00 p.m.!

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Street Interviews

In our regular episodes, we speak with real people, about real issues, at regular speed. Simultaneous Dutch and English subtitles will help you follow every word.

Super Easy Dutch

Super Easy Dutch videos are aimed at beginners. They feature the same bilingual subtitles, but cover simpler vocabulary and are easier to understand.


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When we started this project, it was like a hobby for us: going to beautiful places, speaking to friendly people about various topics, making nice videos, etc. We ended up enjoying it so much that we decided to engage more seriously with the Easy Languages project by producing videos more regularly. This would of course mean a big change in our lives, in many aspects. We started planning weekly shoot days, learning more about filming, editing, subtitles, transcriptions, translations and everything that comes with it. We learned more about connecting with strangers and, last but not least, making learning material for people wanting to improve their Dutch with our videos. 

All this takes considerable time and effort, which we always give with enthusiasm, passion and curiosity in our work. For this reason, we decided to offer our learning material to our members in exchange for a small monthly sum. For 5€/month you can get worksheets and transcripts for all our videos. You will also help to ensure that we are able to continue to publish many more videos for Dutch learners!

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Mario comes from Italy and loves learning languages. Born not far from the place where the best pizza in the world comes from, he proudly speaks Neapolitan as a second mother tongue. He had the chance to live in different countries and he’s now enjoying life in the not-so-often-sunny-but-nice Netherlands. He is the cameraman at Easy Dutch and he also takes care of making the worksheets for our members.

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Tim is originally from the Netherlands and Spain. He learned about Easy Languages while he was learning languages himself. When he found out that there was no active Easy Dutch team, he didn't hesitate a second and applied to become a producer. Besides being a producer at Easy Dutch, he is also a teacher and student, studying Arabic language at the University of Amsterdam.



Originally from Moscow, Katja studied linguistics and translation in Russia. It was the Dutch language that changed her life and brought her to the world of languages. In April 2021 she moved to the Netherlands and soon became a part of the Easy Dutch project, where she helps with camera work, editing and some street interviews. She is also one of the hosts of the Easy Russian project and shares about her life in the Netherlands in Russian in her personal blog.

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Linus is originally from Germany and moved to the Netherlands for his studies. He fell in love with Dutch and tried to learn it as quickly as possible. Having learned the language himself, it was important for him to create more content for Dutch learners. He started as a host, but recently focused more on editing the videos. 



During the day Richard is a programmer and game developer but at night and during the weekend he transforms into a host for Easy Dutch. Richard likes both spoken and programming languages, enjoys nature and writes fairytale-ish stories. He also helps the Easy Russian team as a camera person.
